Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic visits the Akron Zoo

All Fired Up!

One of the things I really enjoy about the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic is that our team here, my fantastic technicians and assistants along with Dr. Kendra and Dr. Jenn, seems to enjoy working with each other. The greatest evidence for this is that we even enjoy spending our non-work time together. Over the years, we’ve taken in shows at the Palace in Cleveland and visited some fun area restaurants.

After our visit to All Fired Up last year for a neat evening of painting and the beautiful interior décor it provided for our waiting room last fall and winter, we weren’t sure we’d be able to come up with something to do as a team quite on par. But we did!

With great thanks to our friends at Zoetis and the Akron Zoo, we were privileged to get a behind-the-scenes view of the zoo. Wow! What a neat operation!

Dr. Rizzo spoke to us about how animals are examined and how providing medical care for wild animals requires a whole lot of creativity. These zoo animals are taught to present various parts of their bodies for examination and for drawing blood samples (imagine training your dog or cat to do this!). Designing a zoo and its exhibits also requires creativity, as rooms, chutes and cages are built to allow for examining and ultrasounding animals without the use of immobilization. The zoo veterinarians and keepers really give all they have to offer to make sure the animals are well cared for and are provided with a good quality of life.

We have loads of admiration and respect for the veterinarians and their teams that provide exceptional care to exceptional animals. And after the presentation, we had some fun with the animals, too!


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