You can’t turn on your television, visit your preferred social media platform, open a newspaper, or tune in your radio without hearing about COVID-19.  We at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic want to address three facets of this topic. First, there is no evidence to suggest that our animals can acquire COVID-19 from us, nor

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[Veterinarian’s Note: This reads much like our previous post, and includes updates from late June.] There are hundreds of pet foods on the market, and everyone online and in the store aisles seems to have an opinion about what diet is best.  We at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic recommend providing diets manufactured by companies which

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There are hundreds of pet foods on the market, and everyone online and in the store aisles seems to have an opinion about what diet is best.  We at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic recommend providing diets manufactured by companies which comply with ALL the recommendations set by WSAVA for animal feed companies.  A summary of

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I graduated from The Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine in 2005, and immediately went to work at Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic. Having grown up around the clinic I’d eventually purchase and at which I’ll spend my entire career, I witnessed from an early age how best to care for animals. My father, Dr.

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My grandma passed away recently.  She was 97 years old, and a very neat lady with rich life experiences.  Between her kids, grandkids and great-grandkids (pictured here), she left quite a legacy.  Among many good memories I have of my own, I’m most struck by a story told of her faith and generosity. In 1981, my

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In Ohio we’ve historically called it “flea control.”  You may recall the names: Frontline, Advantage, Advantix, ParastarPlus, the many generic versions of Frontline.  Then some ticks were found in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, so we brought on Bravecto and then Simparica and called it “flea and tick control.”  But now in 2018 I’m calling

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In keeping up-to-date with recent developments in environmental changes in northeast Ohio as well as the emergence of new diseases, we at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic are updating our immunization protocol recommendations. There will be no changes to what we have referred to as our core canine vaccine protocol.  Diseases for which we have

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Compliance. Compliance is a noun and means, “the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.” In medicine, compliance means (1) taking medication on time, (2) taking it as directed by the doctor, and (3) taking it until it is gone. There have been some eye-opening studies on the human side of medicine

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Dr. Kendra is back with good thoughts about another species we’re seeing more at CFVC… Guinea pigs are a small, gentle, lively species that make good pets because they are docile and relatively easy to care for. Today, we will discuss basic biology and husbandry that is relevant to care for these species as pets.

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We welcome Dr. Kendra Nicholas, one of our associates extraordinaire, to the CFVC Blog to discuss one of her areas of interest… So, you just got a pet rabbit. You may have a few questions circling in your mind. “Now what?” “What do I feed it?” “How long do they live?” “What is normal behavior?”

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