2015 has been an exciting year for us at Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic, and the latest news is that Dr. Jenn Gates has joined the practice! Dr. Jenn comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience, particularly in the areas of internal medicine and ophthalmology. A native of the Youngstown/Brookfield and eventually Hilliard areas, she

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It’s a top priority for us at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic for our doctors and our support staff of technicians & assistants to be well-trained and well-versed in the latest techniques and skills of medicine, surgery, animal care and client care. It is with this in mind that we will be closed on Wednesday,

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It’s springtime in Ohio (no really, it is), and it’s time to start planning your garden. The list of items to grow in your backyard garden is long and varied. Having had no luck with root vegetables in the past, I’m partial to tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, summer squash and herbs. In addition to installing a

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Dogs and cats present with all types of diseases and conditions every week here at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic, and while many of these are routine to one degree or another and somewhat easily diagnosed, we get thrown some real curveballs. This is a story of one such curveball that has shown that when

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Nobody is sure how Maggie broke one of her upper canine teeth, but it looked pretty painful to her family at home and to me when she presented for examination. She needed help. In our last post we highlighted digital dental radiography and how it helps us provide optimal care for our patients. In this

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Summer has passed us by, and at the risk of being a wet blanket, cold weather and snow will be here before we know it. But the pleasant season isn’t yet over, and aside Arctic Breed population, our canine patients and outdoor kitties ought to enjoy themselves in the remaining warmth before it completely slips

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We’ve touched on Rabies in the past and the importance of vaccinating our pets. The state and county health departments take Rabies very seriously. I recently received this e-mail from the Summit County Health Department and I’d like to pass some excerpts from the notification along to you, our clients and residents of Summit County:

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At the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic, it is our priority to take every possible step to ensure that our patients receive the very best pharmaceutical products available. We have engaged in the faxing of prescriptions to outside pharmacies for some time now, but after observing too many errors, we will no longer participate in this

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