With Christmas and New Year’s Day smack dab in the middle of the week in this 2013, we want you to be aware of our altered office hours so you can prepare as best as possible for the preventive things and also be aware of when we will not be available. To ensure the merriest

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I’ve welcomed my friend, Bob Halstrom, DVM, to our blog before. He wrote the piece included in last year’s post, Volunteer For Animals Locally. He’s a good writer with a neat perspective, and I think you’ll enjoy this piece: Buddy the Bear is going to be home for Thanksgiving, and that makes me happy. This

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Zombies are the rage now, and have been for a while. Who hasn’t seen a bumper sticker around town that says something to the effect of “Zombie Apocalypse Response Team?” And who hasn’t heard of AMC’s The Walking Dead? It seems some are really into this end-times, Walking Dead, zombie apocalypse theme. But what would

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We’ve had a few things to say about urinary health on the pages of this blog, and today we’re going to talk about the life-threatening emergency situation that is a male cat with urinary obstruction. Urinary Crystals,as seen through microscope Distended Bladder This is more of a problem for male cats than females because of

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You may have noticed on your reminder postcard a line item that reads “FECAL.” Nobody wants to spend more time than is absolutely necessary thinking about FECAL-anything, but just for a minute, let’s spend a moment thinking about it. Because of the lifestyle of dogs and cats, it is not unusual for them to encounter

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From the Summit County Health Department… Rabies Vaccine Baiting Program for Raccoons and Skunks to Begin in Summit County on August 26, 2013 Stow, Ohio – Summit County Public Health, in collaboration with the USDA Division of Wildlife Services, will participate in a multi-county rabies vaccine baiting operation for raccoons and skunks. This operation is

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Sometimes we’re presented with a dog that is kicking his leg out in an odd way when running. Sometimes we’ll see a dog that walks normally for the most part, but will occasionally hold up a back leg for a step or two, extend it backward, and then resume normal walking. Both of these scenarios

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Dr. Gates (Senior) and I have been working with students from a variety of stages in their education lately, from high schoolers in the School of Medical Professions program at Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy and the Mentorship Program at Cuyahoga Falls High School… to college students accumulating observation hours for application to veterinary school… to

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Dr. Ryan recently discussed the topic of microchipping our pets on WCUE-AM 1150. A microchip is a permanent form of identification for pets, and it is an effective way to help lost pets return home. The program aired on a number of occasions in June of ’13, so if you missed it, take a listen

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