The following is taken from a letter that we’ve made available to our clients with pets on therapeutic diets…. To our Valued Clients: Extensive thought and research was applied by our doctors to bring the best available nutrition to your much loved pet. It is with great excitement that we welcome Royal Canin Veterinary Diets

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The puppy had just been delivered to his happy owner. He was bouncing around, yapping, playing like a puppy should. And then he started to act tired. Real tired. His nose got snotty, he lost his appetite, he couldn’t seem to get comfortable. His owner knew something was wrong. As I entered the examination room,

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Ever wonder why some cats seem to just pack on the pounds? And when they get a little chubby, and you try to cut back on the calories, they just seem to get more and more chubby? Let’s chat. Cats & Calories The average cat needs 50 calories per kilogram per day to sustain a

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We’re taking one big step toward green living here at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic, and it’s in a way that most probably wouldn’t guess if they had 10 guesses. Let me describe what’s new. We’re all aware that death is a part of life, and most are aware that euthanasia is a part of

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Just as heart disease is a major player on the human side of healthcare, we also see many cases of heart disease in our animal friends. Interestingly, there are many similarities between the types of heart disease seen with humans: the physiology is awfully similar and the muscular changes over time are similar. But also

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There’s a certain energy that comes from spending a week at Midwest Veterinary Conference and returning to the Clinic having heard about some of the latest advancements and developments in veterinary medicine. It’s particularly fun when cases present in the days following the convention that give us opportunities to put into practice what we’ve just

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Did you know that continuing education is a vital part of veterinary medicine? Each state’s requirements for their veterinarians are unique, but in Ohio, veterinarians must complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years in order to maintain a current license. In past years, our doctors have taken courses in ophthalmology, breeding management, surgery,

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