Saying good-bye to a long-loved pet is a major life event that you ought not have to experience alone. The Akron General Visiting Nurse Service and Affiliates are offering Pet Loss Grief Support sessions at the Justin T. Rogers Care Center on April 12, 19 & 26 from 2:00-3:30pm (repeated at 6:00-7:30). Those who experience
read moreWe’re taking one big step toward green living here at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic, and it’s in a way that most probably wouldn’t guess if they had 10 guesses. Let me describe what’s new. We’re all aware that death is a part of life, and most are aware that euthanasia is a part of
read moreIt is not just in the happy, healthy times that we want to provide kind, compassionate and comprehensive care for our patients. The real test comes when times are not as happy and healthy. During this end-of-life time, as much as any other, our goal remains the same.
read moreEuthanasia is something that will touch all good pet owners at one time or another. The ability to end animal suffering, or prevent even greater suffering is something that can be lovingly provided to a good companion and friend.
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