QUIZ TIME! Working w/ the CVCA School Of Medical Professions, Part 2

I’ve been fortunate over the past couple of years to spend some time with Juniors and Seniors from Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy‘s School of Medical Professions (SOMP). Mr. Rick Lyons has put together a very good program that both exposes the medically inclined high school students to a variety of career options as well as prepares them for the rigorous academic environment that awaits these kids when they arrive at the college or university of choice.

When the SOMP students arrive at the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic to talk about the ins and outs of veterinary medicine, what life is like for a veterinarian and how an interested student would prepare for veterinary college, I take them through a series of radiographs that high-light some interesting cases that are representative of what a day might be like for a companion-animal veterinarian.

I’ll share them here, ask the questions that I ask of the students, and you can attempt to answer them yourself. Feel free to use the comment section below to share your answers. Part 1 was published not too long ago; here’s Part 2…


These are the hips of two dogs. Compare and contrast.


A puppy’s leg. What do you see?

Can you name the bones involved?


A dog laying on her side. What do you see?

With what organ are these involved?


A dog laying on her side. What do you see?

With what organ are these involved?

Well? How confident are you at radiology? I’ve given a couple of clues in this round of quizzing.

I’ve been impressed with the high schoolers over the years. Some of them are pretty sharp and can reason through these films and come to some pretty accurate conclusions, and it’s clear that they’ve worked hard in their Anatomy & Physiology class. It’s events such as these that give me a good feeling about the future of our medical professions.

At the Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic, we’re interested in client education. This includes both parents and kids… and future veterinarians! In addition to providing top-notch care for our patients and clients, we’re happy to work with CVCA and other area high schools in educational ways when opportunities arise.


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