General Information

The one idea that we’d like to communicate with regard to the idea of hypothermia is this: hypothermia is a big deal, and it is not always straightforward to correct. If your pet is left outside for an extended period of time, seek the attention of a veterinarian

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The providers of your pet’s health care are part of your community, and all of us at Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic have a vested interest in seeing a thriving local economy. On Small Business Saturday (November 26), make sure to patronize small business in and around the Cuyahoga Falls area.

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Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic’s photos are being used for teaching purposes at the university level. An important step in implementing our mission statement is to have informed pet-owners as clients, and our photo collection helps us further inform our clients. Now these photos are helping to inform veterinary students in addition to pet owners!

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Therapeutic Laser has applications in three particular areas: wound care and tissue repair, inflammatory conditions, and pain control. In the day-to-day world of veterinary medicine and surgery, Therapeutic Laser provides great help in the management of ear infections, arthritis, skin disease, abscesses and infections, surgical recovery, post-dental care oral healing, bruises and other traumatic wounds, back pain, and the list can go on. If you have any questions about Therapeutic Laser, or if you’re wondering if Therapeutic Laser is right for your pet, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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If your cat has approached middle age or the senior years and coasted in the “playing” department, all is not lost. Sometimes our kitty companions need to have their life spiced up a bit. This requires only a little bit of imagination. Here are some starters…

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